Hot Altcoin πŸ”₯ Lisk

LSK (Lisk) - LSK has been hit among the hardest over the last 30 days from a price movement perspective, but the ETH and BTC markets are starting to rally. Lisk's Sidechain Development Kit makes it easy for companies and developers to build their own blockchain. The tools are free for everyone, open source and written in JavaScript. Blockchain technology can provide tremendous value across a large span of industries from healthcare to supply chain management, but many companies do not have blockchain developers to build entire ecosystems from scratch. Lisk is aiming to make this process easier, much like Shopify has made deploying and operating e-commerce sites an easy and accessible process.

The LSK team announced today that they have officially released the beta version of their Core chain. Although altcoins have been hammered of late, Lisk is a project to keep an eye on. The success will depend on the adoption of teams deploying applications on the platform. If it is truly pain-free to deploy sidechains on the Lisk platform, then it certainly could have a bright future! Right now, LSK trades at $9.50 USD on Binance and Bittrex.

Photo from Lisk team twitter(@LiskHQ)

Photo from Lisk team twitter(@LiskHQ)