Four Reasons to be Bullish on NEO

NEO is a project that most of you are probably familiar with by this point, and it is often referred to as the ‘Chinese Ethereum.’ This is a fair high-level comparison, but NEO operates utilizing the Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance (DBFT) algorithm - which is a consensus mechanism (as opposed to proof of work/stake) that allows distributed systems to operate effectively and efficiently in the event of a failed component. NEO has traded as high as $180 USD in early 2018, but has since slumped heavily. It now trades around $68 USD on Binance today and has really lagged behind the recent market rally of coins like Bitcoin and Ethereum. There are many reasons that outlook remains bullish on NEO, and below we’ll go through a few:

  1. Adoption - The NEO platform already has 19 projects deployed and running, these are issued in NEP5 format and offer advantages to the ERC20 format of Ethereum. Some NEP5 tokens include Ontology, RedPulse, KuCoin, and DeepBrainChain. They have one of the largest crypto Reddit communities(r/NEO) at over 90,000 subscribers.

  2. Partnerships - The NEO team has announced they are working with the Chinese Government Authorities around integrating real-world assets and smart contracts. NEO is also a part of the G3 alliance, alongside Bitmain(largest Bitcoin mining pool in China) and Elastos (decentralized internet project).

  3. Ecosystem - NEO is positioning itself on a larger scale to become the public cloud of China, offering a full suite of tools such as NeoX (cross-chain contract execution), NeoFS (decentralized storage), and NeoQ (quantum-resistant cryptography).

  4. Leadership - Da Hongfei is a tremendously established and well-respected crypto leader in the world! Check out Coin Central’s spotlight bio to learn more about him.

NEO - smart econ0my.png

The opinions expressed on Crypto Bull are in no way financial advice and are only opinions. We are not responsible for any losses incurred as a result of reading our blog.

3 Altcoins With Real World Use Cases

As more and more Altcoins emerge, it can be hard to determine value when so many do not have even have a working product. This is a big reason that cryptocurrencies are considered a highly speculative investment. We wanted to take the time to highlight some projects that we think are addressing tangible use cases with specific applications and solutions! Here are 3 Altcoins that have real world use cases:

  1. MTL (Metal Pay) - Metal Pay is building a payment app that is a lot like Venmo for cryptocurrencies. Using Metal Pay allows you to transfer money to anyone, any time, and rewards every transaction. Metal’s ‘Pop’ features automatically pays out 5% in MTL every time a payment is sent, and the app will support integrations with big banks such as Chase, BofA and Citi, offering an instantaneous bridge between fiat and crypto. MTL could push crypto towards the mainstream and would certainly be simpler solution to sending payment than the standard wallet address copy-paste method (which can limit non-technical folks). The team has been transparent in uploading Metal Pay demo videos to their youtube, and marketing is picking up around the upcoming app launch. it will be interesting to see how adoption of the app plays out and could be worth keeping an eye on as MTL trades at $3.60 on Binance currently.
  2. PRL (Oyster Pearl) - Oyster Pearl is creating the future of website monetization and distributed storage, built on IOTA Tangle and Ethereum. Oyster enables a user-friendly way to implement both its revenue generation (only have to add a line of code). Website visitors contribute a small portion of their CPU and GPU power to enable users' files to be stored on a decentralized and anonymous ledger - In return, the website owners get paid indirectly by the storage users and website visitors can enjoy an ad-free browsing experience. PRL trades at $0.81 USD on Kucoin and Cryptopia. The PRL team will be performing an airdrop of SHL(Oyster Shell) in the near future, SHL will be used to pay for connectivity and Dapp operation across the Oyster meshnet and SHL will be paid out automatically to all PRL holders at a 1:1 ratio.
  3. ELA (Elastos) - Elastos is the building the first internet operating system that uses the internet as the base-layer infrastructure rather than an application. Elastos will call this the SmartWeb, and Dapps will be able to run on a peer-to-peer network without centralized control.The goal of the team is to build a new type Internet community with honesty and without network attacks. Recently, the team posted a photo of an iphone running on the Elastos operating system to Twitter (see tweet here). There has been a lot of mystery behind ELA as the circulating supply has not yet been reported on coinmarketcap, and many believe this number will be low due to a variety of lock ins by the team and some early investors; which could send the price higher. Regardless, after forming the G3 alliance with NEO and Ontology (ONT), Elastos is a project that is in good company, and could be worth checking out as it trades at $37 on Huobi currently.

The opinions expressed on Crypto Bull are in no way financial advice and are only opinions. We are not responsible for any losses incurred as a result of reading our blog.